Williamstown Literary Festival

Williamstown Literary Festival is a great event in one of Melbourne's loveliest seaside suburbs. It's a beautiful location and it was fantastic to be invited to chat about Paul Keating: The Biography with former Victorian premier Steve Bracks.

Discussing Keating with Steve Bracks.

Discussing Keating with Steve Bracks.

Always great to chat about political history and Keating's legacy.

Always great to chat about political history and Keating's legacy.

With Steve Bracks and Angela Altair, President of the Willy Lit Fest. 

With Steve Bracks and Angela Altair, President of the Willy Lit Fest. 

Looking forward to coming back next year!


Paul Keating: The Biography book launch

David Day's Paul Keating: The Biography was launched on January 30 at Hawthorn Readings in Melbourne. Former Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus launched the book.

Former Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus launching David Day's Paul Keating: The Biography at Hawthorn Readings.

Former Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus launching David Day's Paul Keating: The Biography at Hawthorn Readings.

Author David Day at the launch of Paul Keating: The Biography.

Author David Day at the launch of Paul Keating: The Biography.